Alan Fletcher, England, 1996

In 1976 founder of Pentagram, Alan Fletcher, began publishing an informal guidebook to interesting places to eat and stay around the world. Contributions were collected from artists and designers, and compiled into sections organized by region. The content and layout is slightly altered with each edition. Contributors throughout the whole series have included Saul Bass, R. O. Blechman, Wim Crouwel, Rudolph de Harak, Lou Dorfsman, Bob Gill, Sheila Hicks, David Hockney, Armin Hofmann, Walter Landor, Herb Lubalin, Josef Müller-Brockman, and Maximo Vignell and many more. In Fletcher’s words; “Designers, artists, writers, and architects have a unique advantage in that they belong to an international fraternity, and when travelling are often taken by a friend or colleague to an interesting corner of the city. This guide does the same thing.” This 1996 edition is perfect bound with softback cover, finished in Alan Fletcher’s typical typographic style.

H: 20cm
W: 9.5cm